Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Is this thing still on?

Anyone interested in trying to revive this thing? Yet again?


DMO said...

Yes, I'm interested... in fact, had a plan to post about horror films in the week before Halloween.

It's just that I'm teaching four -- scratch that, five classes (two at CSUN, two at Chapman, one at LACC) while also trying to do a job search for the fall. Alas, I've been too busy to post.

But I do want to keep this going. I will try to get something up within the week... hopefully....

Anonymous said...

Whoa, mookie, that seems like a pretty crazy schedule ... i think in closer touch with your dogs now than you! ... but I'm with you on the crazy busy front ... i don't know how many RDers know that i just started a new gig as programmer for the UCLA Film and Television Archive, taking David Pendelton's gig. It's been a crazy stressful transition but I expect it will mean i'll be watching a helluva lot more movies soon ... but in the next week or so i'll be trying to post regular again as well ...