Monday, April 23, 2007

Critical Media Film Festival This Thursday!

Okay, okay. After not posting anything in a while, the first thing I do is plug myslef. Bad blogger, bad blogger.

Anyway, some of you probably got this in your inboxes but a short critical video essay I made about Citizen Kane, inspired by Gaston Bachelard's Poetics of Space, will be playing at a student run film festival in the Bridges Theater this Thursday night. Here's a trailer for the event showing snippets from mine and the other films that will be screening. It should be interesting and maybe we can all go out for drinks or whatever afterward. The fun starts at 7:30 at Bridges with some kind of reception proceeding.

(I promise to return to regular posting/commenting this week -- I know you missed me -- although you guys have been totally rocking it. Lot's of great stuff below!)

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